
Want to Sell Your Business?

If you’re on this page you are most likely interested in selling your business. We need to find out if your ready and if this is something we can help you achieve.

Can we help?

We are looking for a specific size / type of business which is under a turnover of £1million and above £100,000. Your business should be profitable and have a positive balance sheet value but below £2million. If you don’t quite fit the criteria then please still get in touch as we’ll consider each case on an individual basis.

Why use us?

Many of the larger well established business sales agents in the market set unrealistic values and fees which make the prospect of selling prohibitive or unfeasible. We are specific about the type of business we are looking for as this is where we are most flexible and competitive.

We will work with you to come up with a price which is attractive to you and your potential target buyer.

There is no point setting a price that no-one is prepared to pay. Your prospective buyer will be looking at their potential Yield, Return of Capital and Gearing. The potential buyer might have to acquire bank finance so a proposition must be able to stand up to scrutiny from a lending team.

Please note, we are not business valuers and although will help you set a price for your business we will not be carrying out an in depth audit of your finances.

How does it work? What does it Cost?

Our package is designed for small businesses with the flexibly to assess the potential market without committing too much.

Fact Find, Competitor Research and calling your potential buyers – £500

If we gain interest from one or more parties we will help you with negotiations.

Initial Due Diligence and Negotiation – 0.5% of agreed sale price on completion.

Once you have accepted an offer we will pass this onto your solicitor. If the sale drops out due to your professional advisors finding something untoward. The above percentage fee if not due but the initial £500 is payable.

Are you Ready? Take the Test.

We recommend visiting one of our strategic partners to take a sellabiliy score by clicking here. Gareth Sacklton is part of the most recognised business coaching oranisation, Action Coach. His test will give you an important benchmark to see if your ready. He can work with you to help move your business into a position where selling is no longer a dream but a reality.