
Archive for Events

FREE EVENT: Property Structure and Tax 20/03/20

Book your seat here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/property-business-structuring-masterclass-free-tickets-95828711255 Justin Turner is a property investor with a unique perspective because the clientele he works for at Orange Umbrella range from the small business owner with one or two additional properties to the professional multi-strategy property investor. For them he provides…

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EVENT – Personal Tax Return Explained – 14/01/20

Get Ahead of The Tax Man, so You Can Excel at What You Do About this Event PERSONAL TAX RETURN WORKSHOP Most people leave their tax return until the last minute, have their head in the sand, and pay more tax than they should without…

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EVENT – Management Accounts for Dummies

If business is about making money, why do we feel intimidated by our accounts? You can keep more of the money you earn, if you know how. About this Event “Management Accounts for Dummies” is going to take your head out of the sand and…

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